The Osgood File. This is Charles Osgood.
Sometimes, it takes a while for an American soldier returning from duty overseas to get a decent job in the civilian workforce...
NAT - Veteran #1
"I was unemployed for five months..." (:02)
Pretty discouraging...
NAT - Veteran #2
"I've been unemployed for about three years..." (:02)
Even downright demoralizing.
Says our CBS News colleague Wyatt Andrews...
SOT - Wyatt Andrews, CBS News Correspondent
"So many veterans go to these job interviews with employers who say they want to hire veterans - but then they don't - because they see the vets as unqualified. But we found an unusual program with a simple solution: give these vets a job skill that's required in tens of thousands of businesses around the world." (:17)
That story after this...
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The program Wyatt Andrews was talking about is the equivalent of basic training...
VO - Wyatt Andrews
"This training is best described as a 'software bootcamp' run by a nonprofit group called NS2Serves. For 11 weeks, ten hours a day, they live, sleep and study together - all on a mission to learn data management software from the SAP Corporation." (:17)
That software is widely used in banking and factory operations around the world - so now, veterans who were going nowhere are qualified to work almost anywhere...
SOT - Mark Testoni with SAP
"This is not easy stuff." (:02)
That is Mark Testoni, who runs the U.S. subsidiary of SAP and started the NS2Serves training, which combines the dedication of a veteran with a job skill in high demand.
SOT - Mark Testoni, with Wyatt Andrews
"(Testoni:) It's not just about hiring vets, it's about creating a career path for people who have protected our way of life. (Andrews:) From a business point of view, what's good about hiring veterans? (Testoni:) Focus on mission - not going to be defeated." (:13)
The company spends tens of thousands dollars on each graduate.
The vets appreciate that - that was clear at the special graduating ceremony...
NAT - Montage of Veterans
"Thank you so much... / Thank you... / Today proved to me that every bit of confidence and hope that I'd lost within myself, this brings it all back. This proves that, 'You're still that guy you used to be.'" (:10)
The Osgood File. This is Charles Osgood on the CBS Radio Network. |